For Employers

Ohio Means Jobs is the first step to finding the right candidates for every position.

The Area 10 Workforce and Development Board is dedicated to assisting employers in Richland and Crawford counties meet the challenges of a changing business environment. Employers can find qualified employees with easy-to-use job postings. Beyond listing open positions, employers can access a wealth of resources, including labor market information and resume search tools. Services in the local OhioMeansJobs Centers are designed to help you improve your workforce. Training programs can be developed based on the employer’s needs and can include new or existing employees who meet eligibility requirements. 

Services include distribution of job posting to and posting in the OMJ Center. Employers also have access to application screenings and recruitment events. 

Contact your local OMJ Center today to begin developing a plan to meet your hiring needs.  

Learn more at OMJ Post A Job

Training Funds for New and Current Employees are Available — Apply Now!

new hires, training funds, apply, skills, education, ohio jobs

Need to hire new employees, but worried about cost? Fill out the Local Area 10 On-the-Job (OJT) Application below to apply for the funds to assist you with wages for new hires as they gain entry level skills in the position.

Request an Employer Application for On-the-Job Training Funds for New Hires

To get started, please fill out the quick questions below. We'll provide you with a link to additional resources and a fillable program application.

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current employees, training funds, apply, skills, education, ohio jobs

Seeking continued education and training for your current employees but need to offset the cost? Fill out the Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) Application below to apply for the training funds to provide your current employees with the skills they need to keep moving forward.

Request an Employer Application for Incumbent Worker Training Funds for Current Employees

To get started, please fill out the quick questions below. We'll provide you with a link to additional resources and a fillable program application.

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A valid email address is required

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Richland County OMJ

Richland OhioMeansJobs
183 Park Ave. East, Mansfield, OH 44902
(419) 774-5300

Ohio Means Jobs

Crawford County OMJ

Crawford OhioMeansJobs  
225 E. Mary St., Bucyrus, OH 44820
(419) 562-8066

"Galion LLC has been very pleased with our partnership with Crawford County Job & Family Services. The On-the-Job Training Program has allowed us to develop our employees over the past couple of years. The process is simple and the results have been extremely valuable. "

- Mandy Webb, Human Resource Manager, Galion LLC

We are excited to build connections between local job seekers and employers. Join us today, as we continue to assist our local community.

Contact our Board Chair, Jenni Paramore or our Board Director, Teresa Alt, for Board membership information.  
Jenni Paramore: 
Teresa Alt: