On the Job Traning Policy, updated November 2023

Local Workforce Area #10 Policy Letter 04-05


Individual Training Accounts (ITAs)

Purpose: To meet the requirements of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Pub L 113-128.

Background: This policy describes the process for utilizing Individual Training Accounts (ITAs) when authorizing training services under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.

ITAs are used to authorize payment for training services provided by training providers listed on the Workforce Inventory of Education and Training Provider List only.  Participants requesting training services are given the opportunity to choose an eligible provider from the list.  All training programs approved or authorized must be with in demand occupations as determined by state labor market information and local labor market information.


Prior to issuing an Individual Training Account, the participant must be determined eligible and appropriate to receive training services (see Richland-Crawford Workforce Investment Board Policy on Eligibility for a Training Services for Youth, Adult, and Dislocated Workers). 

When a participant is determined eligible and appropriate for training services, the choice of a training provider must be made from the Workforce Inventory of Education and Training providers at https://owcms.ohio.gov/wiet/index.xhtml.    A letter of intent to pay is then forwarded to the eligible training provider as needed.  This serves as the approval letter for the participant.  An Individual Training Account is developed and sent to the training provider when information regarding tuition costs; additional costs such as lab fees, etc; and grant or scholarship benefits has been accounted for and processed.  The ITA is a commitment to pay a specified amount.  Payment of an ITA can only be made when an invoice for the actual service has been received and processed.  Payment of an ITA is made within 45 days of receipt of an invoice.

Local Workforce Area #10 will commit to pay up to $15,000 per person covered under an ITA, subject to the availability of funds.

Costs covered under the ITA include tuition, fees (such as lab fees or equipment fees), and the cost of books.  Participants are required to provide verification of grants and scholarships which will be received to help offset the cost of tuition and fees.  Local Workforce Area #10 will cover the remaining cost of tuition and fees after grant and scholarship amounts have been deducted.  Local Workforce Area #10 does not require a participant to apply grant and scholarship funds to the cost of books.

The following are additional considerations to be made when determining whether to fund a training service, continue to fund a training service, or fund additional items or services:

1)         The use of ITAs for out-of-state training will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

2)         ITAs for applicants without high school diplomas or GEDs will be developed for training services in occupations which do not require a diploma or GED (in fields in which employment can be obtained without a diploma or GED) only. Presently, this includes such programs as truck driving.

3)         All grant and scholarship amounts received are deducted from the allowable amount funded through the ITA.

4)         Additional costs required for training such as equipment, tools, uniforms, and accessories are covered through a service voucher. Training costs covered utilizing a service voucher are included in the $15,000 maximum. Local Workforce Area #10 will allow a maximum of $1,000 for uniforms and accessories for students in the health fields; a maximum of $1,000 for uniforms and accessories for police academy students; and up to $500 for tools purchased for training. Local Workforce Area #10 will not purchase weapons or ammunition.

5)         A 2.0 GPA/C or satisfactory progress must be maintained to remain eligible for training services under an ITA.  A student not meeting this standard will be advised he/she is on academic probation and that funding will be discontinued if he/she does not maintain a 2.0 GPA or satisfactory status during the next evaluation period. (Employment Services Counselors must receive copies of grade cards or progress reports on an ongoing basis as verification of enrollment and success in a program.)

6)         ITAs will be utilized to cover the cost of training for a maximum of two years with the possible exception of funding to complete a Bachelor of Arts/Science Degree.  ITAs may be utilized to cover the last two years of a Bachelor of Arts/Science Degree program to be determined on a case-by-case basis. Other exceptions to the two year maximum include, but are not limited to, family medical leave, death of family member (spouse, child, and parent), family financial support, and school scheduling conflicts. Other exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis. Period of exceptions will be for a one year maximum. Extensions to the period of exceptions will be considered on a case by             case basis. All exceptions will be approved/denied by the Workforce Development Board.  

7)         Local Workforce Area #10 will not develop an ITA for any class or training that does not prepare an individual for full-time, permanent employment.  Examples of this would be cake decorating, income tax refund training, real estate training, etc. Employment Services Counselors will determine if the requested training will lead to self-sufficiency and will advise participants accordingly.

8)         ITAs and service vouchers will not be used to purchase street clothes for participants attending training programs.  Participants will be referred to local clothing resources for assistance.

9)         Distance Education Courses and Online Universities must be approved by the Workforce Development Board or Executive Committee. Distance Education Courses and online universities must be on the WIET List and must prepare an individual for full-time, permanent employment to qualify for an ITA.          

We are excited to build connections between local job seekers and employers. Join us today, as we continue to assist our local community.

Contact our Board Chair, Jenni Paramore or our Board Director, Teresa Alt, for Board membership information.  
Jenni Paramore: Jparamore@directionscu.org 
Teresa Alt: Teresa.alt@jfs.ohio.gov