For Job Seekers

Job Seekers

OhioMeansJobs Centers offer resource rooms with access to computers, office equipment, job-related workshops, supportive services, individual training accounts, and other activities.

The adult services program, under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, is designed to provide quality employment and training services to help eligible adults find and qualify for meaningful occupation, and to help employers find the skilled workers they need to compete and succeed in business. The goals of the program are to increase employment and retention in unsubsidized, private sector employment.
There are three types of services:

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The goals of the program are to increase employment and retention in unsubsidized, private sector employment.

There are three types of services:

  1. Basic career services include outreach, job search and placement assistance, and labormarket information.
  2. Individualized career services include comprehensive assessments, development of individual employment plans, counseling, and career planning.
  3. Training services. Customers are linked to job opportunities in their communities, including occupational and basic skills training. Participants use an "individual training account" to select an appropriate program from a workforce training provider or participate in an employer-supported training.

Dislocated worker services
A dislocated worker is someone who is over 18 years old and laid off from their job. An emphasis of the program is to increase the employment, retention, and earnings of dislocated workers by increasing their work readiness, educational attainment, and occupational skills and by connecting them to jobs in demand.

Youth Services
Youth ages 14-24 who have at least one barrier to employment may be eligible for Youth Services. Service strategies, developed by Ohio's workforce providers, prepare youth for employment and/or post-secondary education through strong linkages between academic and occupational learning.

To find out more about these services, contact your local OMJ Center.

Ohio Means Jobs

Richland County OMJ

Richland OhioMeansJobs
183 Park Ave. East, Mansfield, OH 44902
(419) 774-5300

Ohio Means Jobs

Crawford County OMJ

Crawford OhioMeansJobs
225 E. Mary St., Bucyrus, OH 44820
(419) 562-8066

"I'm very thankful for WIOA and Julia, for helping me achieve my goals. I appreciated all the benefits I gained from the program. I would/have been recommending this program to other students that need help. WIOA helped me financially through nursing school, and I will always be grateful."

- Victoria Hoffman LPN

We are excited to build connections between local job seekers and employers. Join us today, as we continue to assist our local community.

Contact our Board Chair, Jenni Paramore or our Board Director, Teresa Alt, for Board membership information.  
Jenni Paramore: 
Teresa Alt: